It is hard to believe that we have been in this together for 5 weeks in stay at home orders. Life continues to go on and families are finding different ways to keep each other occupied and grow closer (or further apart depending on the situation but I hope not). Many people out there have been creative in being interactive with each other and been able to grow or start things/hobbies or get tasks done that usually just get pushed off. I see all of this all over social media but what makes me think is this everyone doing this? Is everyone posting really feeling as joyful and growing as much as they say they are? Are their stress levels higher or lower during this time? Are they having worries that they didn't have before like losing a job or have they lost a job?
I have had friends and colleagues in every situation I have described above and more. I am hoping that everyone who is reading this is finds them happy, healthy, and safe but I know there are many out there who feel lost, alone, and not sure what to do. As we continue to get used to the "new norm" that is our lives for the time being, I have been able to speak with and interact with people in ways I never thought I would. I have even been able to help a good amount of people through my skills as a Physical Therapist in inadvertent ways.
I never knew how impactful some of my content has been to people. When I posted any of my content it was never to get business. It is to help educate people that you should not have to live life in pain. Help them to realize a "WHY" in themselves to get out of pain and get back to a life they want and enjoy. The techniques I continue to give and topics I cover are to inspire someone to take the next step into better health. Whether they work with me personally or not. One close friend to me says he is inspired to RUN and he has never ever considered running as a form of exercise for himself. For me, I thought this was huge (more for him than me) as I know he wants to be around for his wife and child much longer than he feels he would be if he continues his current lifestyle. I am very proud of him and hope to continue working in some capacity with him to help him achieve his goals.
I know there are many other people out there like him who are either in pain or want to make a lifestyle change so they can come out of this stronger than when they went in. When I mean stronger, I just don't mean just your brachioradialis strength by doing 6 oz curls (or 8 oz for my fellow wine drinkers). I mean being able to control stress better, attack a situation without being afraid as they would have, learn a new way to stay healthy, get involved in activity of choice that helps enhance their cardiovascular health, or something new that stimulates their mind.
I look forward to seeing what other positive things and events come out of this crisis we are dealing with in the country. For those who are lost and are reading this, I want to let you know that I hear you and you are not alone. Reading this, you may feel that I am all hunky dory as well but that is not always the case. Just like many out there, I have my days where I feel "am I being productive", "is my business going to make it out of this", "am I doing all that I can", or "why do I not feel less stressed". Some days I feel overwhelmed by it all and there are days like today where I feel like I can take on the world. And that's okay. It is okay to have an off day and there are days to feel like you can conquer your fears. It is okay. You are not alone.
For those who do feel lost and those who do feel like they need guidance through this time, I am here for you. Whether it is lending an ear to speak about your issues or to actively help you get stronger or healthier, I will do what I can to give you a better day or get you to your goals together. My goal is to help you be a healthier, happier you and I hope that will be something both of us can experience together. I have already helped plenty of people during these past 5 weeks achieve the goals they are setting out on but I hope to help many more of you in the future.
I hope everyone had an amazing weekend and Easter/Passover for those who celebrate. I look forward to seeing everyone's progress as time goes on.